Welcome to my small section of the web

Radio's: Yaesu FT-991A, Icom IC-7400, Kenwood TS200-X, Icom IC-7100, Yaesu FT-817, Icom IC-E92D.
Antenna: Sirio Gainmaster on 10m and 12m
Antenna: EFHW using 49:1 Balun all HF from 80m to 15m
Antenna: Sigma HF-360 from 80m to 15m
Antenna: Diamond V2000A Tri-band for 6m/2m/70cm
Hello, my name is David. I am located near the town of Walsall which is located 15 miles north of the city of Birmingham, England.
I first started my radio interest back in 1978 at the age of 12, when I was bought my first cbradio and a silver rod.
I have been licenced since 1993, but have been a rather infrequent user.
Just lately I find myself getting interested in the FT8 mode, which is now my most frequently used mode.

QRZ link to My callsign

eQSL link to my callsign

ICOM IC-7400, HF, 6M, 2M 100W RADIO
Yaesu FT-991A